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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

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Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 31 Number 4 2017
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 31 Number 3 2017
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 31 Number 2 2017
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 31 Number 1 2017
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 30 Number 4 2016
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Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 30 Number 3 2016
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 30 Number 2 2016
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 30 Number 1 2016
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 29 Number 4 2015
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 29 Number 3 2015
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Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 29 Number 2 2015
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 29 Number 1 2015
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 28 Number 4 2014
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 28 Number 3 2014
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 28 Number 2 2014
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Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 28 Number 1 2014
Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE

Volume 27 Number 4 2013

Volume 27 Number 3 2013

Volume 27 Number 2 2013

Volume 27 Number 1 2013
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Volume 26 Number 4 2012

Volume 26 Number 3 2012

Volume 26 Number 2 2012

Volume 26 Number 1 2012

Volume 25 Number 4 2011

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 31 Number 4 2017

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 31 Number 3 2017

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE, Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 31 Number 2 2017

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 31 Number 1 2017

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Name: Sturrock, Peter A. (1924 - 2024)

Peter A. STURROCKThe Challenge of Ball-Lightning: Evidence of a “Parallel Dimension”? 84-91
Abstract: Ball-lightning, well described by Barry (1981), Singer (1971), and Stenhoff (1999), currently has no valid explanation. Attempted theories, based on present-day physics, fall into two categories: one in which energy is stored in the ball-lightning, and the other in which energy is fed into the ball-lightning as an electrical current or as microwaves. Some theories explain some of the facts, but no theory explains all of the facts. This suggests that we may need to introduce a new concept into our thinking. The concept of a “parallel dimension” seems promising.

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Volume 30 Number 4 2016

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Name: Allison, John; Ciriaco, Kendall; Zumwalde, Allison

Allison ZUMWALDE, Kendall CIRIACO, John ALLISONStrange Handprints in Strange Places 509-523
Abstract: __Increasingly, items have appeared on the Internet reporting the appearance of handprints on home mirrors and windows, inside and outside. The odd shapes and sizes observed have led reporters to suggest that they have spirit or alien sources. Often they are photodocumented. We became interested in the topic when we were asked to evaluate a doublepane thermal window on which handprints had recently appeared. The window had been in place for more than 20 years. The prints all appeared on the same inside surface (same pane). The two panes were, surprisingly, separated by 0.25 inch.

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 30 Number 3 2016

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 30 Number 2 2016

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Name: Braude, Stephen E.; Krupke, William F.

Stephen E. BRAUDE 169-174

Research Articles
William F. KRUPKESonic Analysis of the Redlands UFO Tape Recording 175-198
Abstract: The February 4, 1968, UFO sighting at Redlands, California, was accompanied by an intense, distinctive sound that was recorded as a background sound on a magnetic tape recording being made by Reverend Julian Vigh at the Bethel Christian Church. A rescue Emergency Vehicle (EV), with its siren operating, happened to be deployed in Redlands at the time of the UFO sightings. An inquiry by several Redlands University professors attributed the background sound on the Vigh recording to the EV siren. Reported here for the fi rst time is an independent, comprehensive, detailed sonic analysis of the tape background sound and the EV siren, originally prepared in 1969, and intended for inclusion as an independent technical appendix in a book on the Redlands UFO sightings then in preparation. That book was never completed or published. The result of detailed tape analysis concurred with Professor Seff ’s conclusion that the EV siren was the source of background sound on the Vigh tape; however, a number of sonic anomalies in the time dependence of sound intensity and Doppler shift were identifi ed and quantifi ed.

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 30 Number 1 2016

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 29 Number 4 2015

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 29 Number 3 2015

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Name: Alexander, John B.; Plaza Del Olmo, Julio

Research Articles
Julio PLAZA DEL OLMOA review on the geographical distribution of UFO reports 425-448
Abstract: In the search for patterns of the UFO phenomenon, the relationship of sightings to population density has historically shown contradictory results. After more than 40 years of studies, there is not yet a clear conclusion on whether the relationship between the number of reports and population density is direct or inverse. We have reviewed some of these works and found out how to reconcile all of them. We found that there is a direct relationship between the number of sightings and population density; however, the increase in number of reports is not proportional but sublineal with respect to the increase in population.

John B. ALEXANDERA Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch by Joshua Cutchin 528-529
Review: Joshua CUTCHIN,A Trojan Feast - 2015

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Volume 29 Number 2 2015

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Name: Plaza Del Olmo, Julio

Research Articles
Julio PLAZA DEL OLMOModeling the Law of Times 195-233
Abstract: —The Law of Times is a constant pattern present in every catalog of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sightings that describes the number of sightings occurring at a certain hour of the day. It shows that most sightings occur at night, reaching a maximum at about 21 h, and sometimes a secondary peak at about 2–3 h, whereas for daylight hours the percent of cases is low. It has long been suspected that the decrease in sightings during the night is due to social factors such as people staying indoors and thus not being able to witness UFOs. An increase in sightings occurs at earlier or later hours in the same way that the sunset time varies during the year. Taking into account these features, this paper develops a mathematical model to reproduce the Law of Times. It is based on astronomical factors such as the altitude of the Sun and the Visual Limiting Magnitude that relates to the probability of a phenomenon being visible; and a second factor related to the social habits of the population, accounting for their availability to witness the phenomenon. These two factors alone can accurately reproduce the main peak at 21–22 h of the Law of Times

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Volume 29 Number 1 2015

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 28 Number 4 2014

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 28 Number 3 2014

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 28 Number 2 2014

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 28 Number 1 2014

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Name: Bobbink, Jan-Willem; Boerman, Robert J.; Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949); Haselhoff, Eltjo H.

Research Articles
Eltjo H. HASELHOFF, Robert J. BOERMAN, Jan-Willem BOBBINKAn Experimental Study for Reproduction of Biological Anomalies Reported in the Hoeven 1999 Crop Circle 17-33
Abstract: —This paper revisits the controversial case of a “crop circle,” a circular imprint of fl attened crop, which appeared in the summer of 1999 in The Netherlands in the presence of an alleged eyewitness. Sampling of plant stems at various locations in the circle revealed a strong lengthening of the growth nodes, with a symmetrical distribution that was aligned with the fl attened area itself. This eff ect has been attributed by some researchers to the eff ect of electromagnetic energy. In the case of this particular crop circle, the symmetry was indeed identical to the energy distribution of a spherical radiation source, which supported the claim of the eyewitness that a “ball of light” was hovering above the fi eld at the time the crop circle was formed. However, others have suggested the results were simply the eff ect of sunlight, shadows, or wind over the fl attened area, or some simple natural eff ect related to the fact that the crop in the circle had been fl attened. The authors created a man-made control circle and repeated the growth node measurements that were carried out in the original 1999 crop circle using an identical test protocol. It was concluded that the fi ndings in the 1999 circle could not be reproduced and hence remain anomalous.

Book Review
Thomas E. BULLARDUFOs, ETs, and Alien Abductions: A Scientist Looks at the Evidence by Don Donderi113-122
Review: Don C. DONDERI,UFOs, ETs, and Alien Abductions - 2013

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 27 Number 4 2013

Editor: Stephen E. BRAUDE
Name: Clark, Jerome (1946); da Silva, Luiz Augusto L.

Research Articles
Luiz Augusto L. DA SILVAUnidentified Aerial Phenomena: The VASP- 169 Flight Brazilian Episode Revisited 637-654
Abstract: The February 8, 1982, sighting of an unidentified aerial phenomenon by crew and passengers in the VASP-169 flight over Brazil had significant media repercussions at the time and is still referred to today by several UFO publications. In this paper we reinvestigate the occurrence in depth and suggest that the “object” was indeed the planet Venus, possibly distorted by an atmospheric mirage effect. An almost simultaneously occurring but lesser-known secondary case is also commented upon.

Book Review
Jerome CLARKZones of Strangeness: An Examination of Paranormal and UFO Hot Spots by Peter A. McCue 735-737
Review: Peter A. McCUE,Zones of Strangeness - 2012

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 27 Number 3 2013
Name: Gross, Daniel M.

Research Articles
Daniel M. GROSSUnidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) A New Hypothesis toward Their Explanation 415-453
Abstract: For six decades now luminous and other unidentifi ed aerial phenomena (UAP) have been sighted worldwide in large numbers. Extensive scientifi c unidentifi ed aerial phenomena observations have been made over the last 26 years in Hessdalen, Norway. The optical properties of luminous UAPs have been described in detail, but all eff orts to explain them by terrestrial causes have failed. Earlier scientifi c attempts to explain UAPs by extraterrestrial visitation (ETV) have failed as well. A new ETV hypothesis is proposed which aims at causally explaining all luminous UAP sightings in Hessdalen and most elsewhere. To this end a galactic neighborhood scenario and model is defi ned. It explains why a stealth ETV probe equipped with artifi cial intelligence (AI) has been built by an exo-civilization and sent in a historical past into our solar system. It states that this extraterrestrial visitation probe (ETVP), now orbiting the earth, occasionally sends a stealth electromagnetic beam (SEMB) down into the atmosphere. It explains in detail how such an SEMB produces luminous UAPs by means of a nonlinear photonic mechanism which, as such, has been known and investigated since 1995 as a branch of current femtosecond physics. This photon mechanism is further developed into a UAP-A and a UAP-B model. Together the two models explain all optical Hessdalen observations.

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Volume 27 Number 2 2013
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Volume 27 Number 1 2013
Name: Bauer, Henry; Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949); Cox, Billy; Davis, Ted; Donderi, Don C. (1937); Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011)

Research Articles
Ted DAVIS, Don C. DONDERI, Budd HOPKINSThe UFO Abduction Syndrome25-42
Abstract: —Some people say that they have been abducted by extraterrestrials. We obtained responses to 608 true–false questions from 52 selfreported abductees and compared their responses to those of 75 non-abductee controls and to 26 simulators whom we asked to respond “as if” they had been abducted. The entire question set, as well as a subset of 65 questions identifi ed by discriminant analysis, diff erentiated among self-reported abductees, controls, and simulators. This result helps to defi ne a state of mind that we call the UFO Abduction Syndrome.

Book Review
Henry H. BAUERThe Pseudoscience Wars: Immanuel Velikovsky and the Birth of the Modern Fringe by Michael D. Gordin 147-153
Thomas E. BULLARDMedusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite: The Science of Monsters by Matt Kaplan157-163
Billy COXThe Big Book of UFOs by Chris A. Rutkowski 164-165
Review: Chris A. RUTKOWSKI,The Big Book of UFOs - 2010

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Volume 26 Number 4 2012
Name: Bauer, Henry; Gasperini, Luca

Book Review
Luca GASPERINIMetapsichica Moderna: Fenomeni Medianici e Problemi del Subcosciente by William Mackenzie 911-922
Henry H. BAUERUnexplained! Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena by Jerome Clark 926-927
Review: Jerome CLARK,UNEXPLAINED! - 1993

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Volume 26 Number 3 2012
Name: Clark, Jerome (1946); Maccabee, Bruce (1942 - 2024)

Book Review
Jerome CLARKThe Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, Dr. Frank Thayer, & Frank Warren 709-716
Review: Scott RAMSEY, , Suzanne RAMSEY, Frank THAYER, Frank WARREN,The Aztec Incident - 2012
Bruce MACCABEEUFOs: Above the Law, True Encounters with Law Enforcement by James Bouck and Frank Soriano 717-718
Review: Frank SORIANO,UFOs Above the Law - 2011

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Volume 26 Number 2 2012
Name: Dick, Steven James; Greenwood, Barry J. (1953); Levin, Jeff; Maccabee, Bruce (1942 - 2024); Randle, Kevin D.

Research Articles
Jeff LEVINRevisiting the Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey (AUFORCS): Is There Really a Crisis? 273-284
Abstract: —This paper explores the tacit presumption that U.S. government disclosure of information regarding prior contact with extraterrestrials would precipitate a religious crisis (presuming that there is information to disclose). This issue has remained controversial since the earliest ufological writing, both government and academic, yet only minimal empirical evidence has been forthcoming. The present analysis is based on data collected as a part of the Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey (AUFORCS), a private study of Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish clergy (N = 229) conducted in 1994 whose raw data only recently have been made public (to the author of this paper). The AUFORCS consisted of 11 statements about extraterrestrial contact, alien life, and a putative impact on religion, scaled on a fi ve-point Likert metric requiring respondents to affi rm their agreement or disagreement with each item. Findings from the AUFORCS data confi rm that disclosure would not precipitate much of a religious crisis. Nor do there appear to be substantive diff erences in how leaders of respective religious traditions would react to such disclosure. The desirability of replicating this study through a large-scale national probability survey of the U.S. adult population is discussed.

Book Review
Steven J. DICKComets and the Origin of Life by Janaki Wickramasinghe Chandra Wickramasinghe, and William Napier 429-431
Kevin D. RANDLEThe Myth and Mystery of UFOs by Thomas E. Bullard 457-459
Review: Thomas E. BULLARD,The Myth and Mystery of UFOs - 2010
Barry GREENWOODFlying Saucers over the White House: The Inside Story of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and His Offi cial U.S. Airforce Investigation of UFOs by Colin Bennett 463-469
Review: Colin BENNETT,Flying Saucers Over the White House - 2010
Bruce MACCABEEReflections of a UFO Investigator by Kevin Randle 470-471
Review: Kevin D. RANDLE,Reflections of a UFO Investigator - 2012

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Volume 26 Number 1 2012
Name: Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949); Ellis, Bill

Thomas E. BULLARDDr. Stuart Appelle, 1946–2011 141-142

Book Review
Bill ELLISHidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds by Jerome 224-228
Review: Jerome CLARK,Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds - 2010

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Volume 25 Number 4 2011
Name: Biondi, Massimo; Dagnall, Neil; Drinkwater, Kenneth; Gasperini, Luca; Huyghe, Patrick (1952); Paiva, Gerson; Parker, Andrew; Rodeghier, Mark (1953); Taft, Carlton

Research Articles
Neil DAGNALL, Kenneth DRINKWATER, Andrew PARKERAlien Visitation, Extra-Terrestrial Life, and Paranormal Beliefs 699-720
Abstract: The present paper investigated the nature and structure of extraterrestrial beliefs. Respondents completed a booklet containing items measuring belief in extra-terrestrial life, alien visitation, and paranormal belief (Revised Paranormal Belief Scale, R-PBS; and the Australian Sheep Goat Scale, ASGS). Responses were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), and a three-factor structure emerged: alien visitation, belief in extraterrestrial life, and the search for extra-terrestrials. Further analysis revealed that males scored higher than females on belief in extra-terrestrial life and the search for extra-terrestrial life. No difference was observed for alien visitation. Correlational analysis found signifi cant positive associations between each of the extra-terrestrial life factors and alien visitation. In addition to this, the extra-terrestrial life factors and alien visitation were found to correlate with overall paranormal belief (ASGS), and the two factors of the R-PBS (Traditional Paranormal Belief and New Age Philosophy). Alien Visitation was more strongly correlated with the paranormal belief measures than the extra-terrestrial belief factors; these were found to be negatively correlated with the paranormal belief measures when Alien Visitation was controlled for. These fi ndings indicate that only more extreme Alien Visitation beliefs were associated with belief in the paranormal.
Gerson PAIVA, Carlton TAFTColor Distribution of Light Balls in Hessdalen Lights Pheomenon 735-746
Abstract: Hessdalen lights (HL) are unexplained light balls usually seen in the valley of Hessdalen, Norway. In this work, we present a model to explain the spatial color distribution of luminous balls commonly observed in HL phenomenon. According to our model, these light balls are produced by electrons accelerated by electric fi elds during rapid fracture of piezoelectric rocks under the ground. Semi-relativistic light balls in the HL phenomenon are produced by ionic acoustic waves (IAW) interacting with a central white-colored light ball of HL phenomenon.

Historical Perspective
Luca GASPERINIErnesto Bozzano: An Italian Spiritualist and Psychical Researcher 755-773
Abstract: Ernesto Bozzano (1862–1943) was a luminary in psychical and spiritualistic studies in Italy, to which he contributed numerous publications that were also distributed abroad, and for more than forty years he tirelessly defended “human survival after death” against its critics. This article, after a brief look at the studies dedicated to him, furnishes a profi le of the life and thinking of Bozzano, paying particular attention to the events that brought him to the eyes of the international community of psychical researchers.

Patrick HUYGHEIn Memory of William Corliss 775-777

Book Review
Massimo BIONDIDizionario Enciclopedico delle Classificazioni Analitiche della Biblioteca Bozzano De Boni [Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Analytical Classification of the Bozzano De Boni Library] edited by Silvio Ravaldini and Giulio Caratelli857-858

Articles of Interest
Mark RODEGHIERIs “Alien Abduction” Extraterrestrial Visitation? Developing Prospective Study Designs to Gather Physical Evidence of Alleged “Alien Abduction” by Martin Hensher. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 63 (2010), 307–315.866